0439347291 secretary@caulfieldlittleaths.org.au Saturdays 8:30am-11:00am

Weekly Competition

Click here to access ResultsHQ.

What to do to login:

  1. Use the email address that you use to receive emails from Caulfield Little Athletics.
  2. Don’t know your password? Click on the “Trouble logging in?” link, enter your username/email and you will be sent an email containing a reset password link.

If you can’t login and it returns you to the login page without an error message, you may need to try a different internet browser. Google Chrome is recommended.

If you would like to change your password, login into ResultsHQ and click on your family name in the top right hand corner of the menu. Then click on “Account Management” and go to the “Change Password” section at the bottom of the page.